TherapyMantra - Leading Counseling Provider​ for Queer Counseling

Online Queer Counseling

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How can we help you?

Our compassionate counselors are here to provide guidance & support on your journey to overcome queer issues. Discover effective strategies, coping mechanisms, & regain a sense of hope & well-being.

Legal and Civil Rights
Bullying and Harassment
Coming Out
Mental Health Issues
Family & Relationship Challenges
Mental health concerns

Convenient online therapy

With TherapyMantra, you don’t have to wait an entire week to talk to your therapist.

online counseling

We foster a nurturing environment where your voice can thrive!


What are Queer Issues?

Queer issues refer to the specific challenges and concerns faced by individuals who identify as queer. These can include discrimination, stigma, societal and familial rejection, limited legal protections, mental health disparities, and difficulties in finding inclusive healthcare. Queer issues encompass a wide range of experiences and are important to address in order to foster acceptance, equality, and well-being for the queer community.

When to seek treatment for Queer Issues

You should consider treatment for your transgender issues when:

Seek treatment when experiencing discrimination based on queer identity, affecting well-being and daily life.
Mental Health Decline
If mental health deteriorates due to stigma or rejection, seek treatment for support.
Coming Out Challenges
Seek treatment for guidance and coping strategies to navigate the complexities of coming out.
Relationship Difficulties
Treatment can help address challenges in queer relationships, including communication and acceptance.
Self-acceptance Struggles
Seek treatment to foster self-acceptance and build resilience against societal prejudices.
Lack of Support

Seek treatment when lacking support from family, friends, or community, affecting mental & emotional well-being.


3 Steps to start your journey towards treating queer issues & fostering better mental well-being…

Our commitment lies in creating a nurturing environment where individuals can embark on their therapeutic journey with a profound sense of comfort and empowerment.

Signup Purple

Signup For Queer Counseling

Please take a moment to complete a brief online form that will only require 5 minutes of your valuable time. Your input will provide us with invaluable insights into your concerns

Therapist Purple

Meet Your Therapist

Enjoy uninterrupted access to our services 24/7, with dedicated counselors who understand and cater to your unique preferences and needs.

App Purple

Connect To Our App

Embark on a transformative journey of self-exploration through our app, featuring a diverse array of self-care tools, immersive videos, and soothing meditations.

LGBTQ Counseling

Are you experiencing uncertainty when it comes to determining the type of care that you need?

Embark on a transformative journey towards enhanced mental health as you explore effective treatments for queer issues. Engage in meaningful conversations with our dedicated mental health coaches, who will provide personalized recommendations tailored to your unique needs. This empowering experience will boost your self-esteem, overall well-being, and guide you towards positive personal growth and fulfillment.

Depression Unsure

Let a Mantra therapist help you

  • We offer the convenience of in-person sessions at carefully chosen locations, providing flexible options that cater to your preferences and treatment requirements.

  • Take advantage of therapist-recommended tools specifically designed to augment continuous care and support, effectively bridging the gap between your therapy sessions.

  • Capture your personal journey by documenting your experiences over time, allowing you to track your progress, witness tangible improvements in your mental health, and gain valuable insights into your overall well-being and personal growth.



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Next available slot: Tomorrow



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Next available slot: Tomorrow

Unsure Purple

Not sure what kind of care you need?

Talk to one of the top coaches from TherapyMantra to understand how we can help.

Your questions about Queer Counseling, answered

Queer issues counseling is a specialized form of therapy that addresses the unique challenges and experiences faced by individuals who identify as queer, providing support specific to their needs.

Queer issues counseling is important as it offers a safe space for queer individuals to explore their identity, address discrimination, and promote mental well-being and self-acceptance.

Absolutely, queer issues counseling can provide guidance and support during the coming out process, helping individuals navigate complexities and build resilience.

The duration of queer issues counseling varies based on individual needs and goals. It can range from short-term focused therapy to longer-term support for ongoing growth.

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